Cause Of Hemorrhoid

Cause Of Hemorrhoid

    What causes a  hemorrhoid? And where does a hemorrhoid come from? The main cause of a hemorrhoid is the pressure applied on veins of pelvic and rectal system. Different habits in the bathroom can be the cause of this, constipation, diarrhea, sitting or standing for a long time, obesity, pregnancy and genetic factors can all contribute. Below we will detail a little of each cause and bring some solutions to it.

    1.Heavy lifting encourages hemorrhoids to show themselves and can even cause hemorrhoids to develop. If your job requires heavy lifting, discuss this issue with someone specially trained in your work area.
    2.Being overweight means you are lifting excess weight up every time you stand, walk or run. Especially when sitting, the pressure of your body will be bearing on your anal region and may well be weakening it as well as aggravating existing hemorrhoids. To help calm the suffering from a hemorrhoid and perhaps prevent a new hemorrhoid from developing, you should try to loose the excess weight you are carrying around on your body.
    3.Another common cause of hemorrhoids is pregnancy. A lot of pressure is applied during delivery time and this increases the anal pressure while the baby is pushed out. To prevent hemorrhoids from showing, you must do a lot of exercise during the pregnancy, especially at the start.
    4.Anal sex is another cause of hemorrhoids. No matter how much lubricant it's used; keep in mind that the anus wasn't designed for this function. If we remember that just wiping the area with toilet paper is considered a risk, you will get the picture yourself of how much problems can cause this type of sexual intercourse. 
    5.Using the  wrong position on the toilet seat is one of the common causes of hemorrhoids. Below is correct way to sit; a person should follow when sitting on the toilet: sit on the toilet normally, then raise your feet up on tiptoes and balls of feet (front part of foot) and bend forward with your elbows to your knees. This position allows the poo to come out with little effort, thus lessening the chance of hemorrhoids coming through the hole and reducing the chance of developing new hemorrhoids.
     6.Diarrhea is a factor that can damage the veins. In this case, there are frequent passing of stool, and even though the fecal matter is soft, it dampens the intestine at the same time and causes the hemorrhoid disease. Take a good care and always wash your hands before eating and always wash the fruits and vegetables before eating  them. 
     7.Another factor  can be heredity. Some people are genetically predisposed to this type of illness and there aren't too many things we can do about it. Do a lot of sport, especially to train and relax your anal sphincter muscles (the ring of muscles that surrounds the anal opening).
     8.Wiping too hard for too long can cause or aggravate hemorrhoids. The bowel should evacuate the contents well, reducing the need for excess wiping, if you followed the suggestions of extra fiber and water. Also, use a soft damp cloth that absorbs a lot.
      9.Liver disease can also cause pressure in the veins, as blood is pooled in and around the pelvic system. Don't eat to much junk food, don't drink to much alcohol or coffee, and try to keep your liver and your heart healthy.
     10.Constipation is another common cause of hemorrhoids. Straining to pass hard stools puts a lot of  pressure on the rectum and makes the veins swell (like varicose veins behind the knees). In order to avoid the internal problems caused by constipation, when you go to the toilet, take your time; let nature do its thing. Try gentle deep breathing and avoid holding your breath, to put a little pressure on the poo to come out.